luxury locations issue 21

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beautiful, calm, homely home,” Paul says. “Kelly’s favourite shop in Antigua is Gazebo. This is where we bought our dining table and coffee table from. “Vicky who owns the shop is just incredible and so knowledgeable. She helped with all the small furnishings and finishing spaces. Kelly would send her a picture of the space we needed furniture for and Vicky would then send all the options.” The aquamarine tones of the Caribbean Sea feature intermittently throughout the villa, complemented by a contemporary muted palette. The deluxe expanded kitchen affords plenty of space for Paul to slice, dice and sauté. In the open-plan living area, the scene is set for the couple’s legendary dinner parties. For now though, the couple say they are enjoying some well-earned R&R, whether it’s sitting on the terrace listening to the water lapping or catching a sunset and sundowner at the Pop-Up Bar on the beach. Asked for some words of advice to anyone else considering embarking on a major refurb, they’re unequivocal. “Be patient,” Paul says. “Most of the timeframes we were given were not met and we had to discover ‘Antiguan time’ quite fast. “Be aware of the duty on importing furniture from the UK as it’s extortionate. The costs of normal household items on the island are exceptionally dear too. “As with any building work be prepared for the unexpected, have a good contingency float and be aware of shortages on the island.” The pair also recommend being physically present for as much of the process as possible – and being prepared to roll up your sleeves and get involved. So, with the project now completed and the benefit of hindsight, would they do it again? “Absolutely,” Paul declares. “And hopefully soon.” n By Gemma Handy

Interested in renting the Walkers’ villa? Scan this QR code for details. Contact Luxury Locations for more information on carrying out your own refurbishment or building project.


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