luxury locations issue 21

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The chefs collaborated with their local counterparts and spent time touring the country with guides, tasting native dishes and produce, to learn more about Antigua and Barbuda’s gastronomic past. The packed schedule of events also included prix fixe menus at more than 30 participating restaurants, and an ‘eat like a local’ interactive map designed to entice visitors on a culinary tour of popular food hotspots. The latter allowed guests to not just sample local platters but the chance to learn how to make them too. “This has been an incredible year so far for Antigua and Barbuda, where we are seeing travellers around the world choose Antigua and Barbuda as their vacation destination in unprecedented numbers,” said Tourism Authority CEO Colin James. “Travel and experiencing local cuisine goes hand-in-hand with making sure they have an extraordinary visit. By adding Restaurant Week to our calendar we are highlighting our local talent and showcasing our exceptional culinary scene for visitors and residents alike.” n


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