luxury locations issue 21

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There’s a reason why locals swear by coconut water. In addition to being naturally sweet, tasty and hydrating, it’s loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, is low in fat and helps to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. is well documented, as are the sailing conditions that keep the country on the bucket list of salty dogs worldwide. But cycling, hiking, football and watersports like scuba diving and kitesurfing all have a robust local following too. Our clean air means getting active in the great outdoors is a must. Take a dip Sea water is credited with cleansing the skin, removing toxins and providing key minerals that help wounds heal faster, regulate bacterial infections, and alleviate acne. It strengthens the immune system, can reduce pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and supports thyroid health with its high iodine content. The magnesium found in sea water helps you feel calmer and more relaxed too. Little wonder the elders advocate washing away one’s worries. Get active Antigua and Barbuda’s cricketing prowess Pump up the bass Jolly Harbour Health & Fitness is the hottest new addition to the country’s gym scene. From its open air golf course spot, it offers cross training, boxing, small group classes and one-on-one instruction each weekday for people of all abilities. If its intoxicating array of truck tyres, jump boxes and kettlebells aren’t enough to get the blood pumping, instructor Darin Barker’s up-tempo tunes surely will. Ah yes, the sun Increased vitamin D – aka the ‘sunshine vitamin’ – is linked to stronger bones, lower blood pressure and a brighter mood. Experts recommend soaking up the sun for 10 minutes early each morning. With almost half of the world’s population said to be deficient in vitamin D, we can think of few better reasons to catch some rays. n


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