luxury locations issue 21

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Antigua and Barbuda Needs More Attractions by Skai-Lia Fraser

The sister isles of Antigua and Barbuda are simply beautiful but it would be even better with more attractions. This will encourage many tourists to visit our shores. Antigua’s beaches are its main attractions. That white sparkling sand and crystal blue waters filled with colourful fishes and corals create fantastic experiences for our tourist and locals. They are also a peaceful place for relaxation. However, it would be nicer to fill one of our spacious sandy shores with vast land space, such as fries beach or fort James with huge rides such as a Ferris wheel, see saw, trampolines and mountainous swings. This would be more exciting for the children. Not only the additional attraction of rides but it would be attractive to the eye if we kept all our beaches clean. Litter is not attractive. A spotless beach can be a great attraction. In Antigua we have many ponds; however, we don’t usually keep them as tidy as we should. We should work together to beautify our ponds and surroundings with flowers, benches and picnic areas. This would make them great attractions. Our ponds are habitats for many fishes and birds and our locals

and tourists can enjoy watching those animals in their natural habitats, especially, if they are nicely kept. The city of St. John’s is one of the most historical and beautiful cities in the Caribbean. Many tourists come to our museum and our St John’s Cathedral. They also walk through Heritage Quay and Redcliffe Quay where historic buildings are located, which tells stories of the past. As the tourists travel from street to street, it is important for them to see well kept, clean streets. We could plant flowers in pots on the street corners, provide hand rails to some streets for the safety of the elderly and provide trams as well as city trains on horse carriage that tells of St. John’s history. These would help St John’s to be a lot more beautiful and interesting. Do you know that there are many sugar mills around our island of Antigua? Not many children and adults know this. This means that if we restore and beautify these historical artefacts, we could have significant and fabulous tourist attractions for all to enjoy. In Barbuda, the majestic frigate birds sits on shrubs and clumps of mangrove plants which is beautiful enough, nevertheless, that transportation to and from

Bird sanctuary can be made a lot more comfortable for both our locals and tourists. Therefore, we should seek to provide better sea transportation with comfortable seating for this excursion. Antigua and Barbuda are beautiful islands with much room for making our country unique. Let us work together to make our Islands better.

A Gentle Woman by Daniel Phillips Three fourths of a year I waited and slept Your gentle touch I had not felt as yet Still, there I was by your side Through each and every single step On that day that we met A bright, beautiful, joyous day to never forget One may find it strange if I said That on day, we both wept You were my first love Yes, a perfect fit, like a tailor-made glove

Man’s Responsibility to Animals by Lion-Judah Samuel Man should have good responsibility to animals because animals give us food and a lot more things. A man’s obligation to ensure animal welfare entails taking into account all facets of an animal’s well-being, including appropriate housing, management, feeding , disease prevention and treatment and responsible care. Man can be considered as the biggest treat animals. Although there are many cruelty laws man often ignore these laws and treat animal cruelly. After all, animal are innocent creatures and has proven overtime to be man’s best friend. So, why does man continue to treat animals this way? Throughout history, animals have served as means of transportation, food, clothing, shelter, companionship, and entertainment. As a result, it is our responsibility to treat animals with respect, love, and compassion and to prevent them from suffering needlessly because in many ways, animals have made it possible for man to survive on earth. Animals, however, have fewer rights than humans because normal adult human have better mental capacities in nature’s hierarchical order. As a result, it is our duty to care for and conserve the animal kingdom to the best of our ability in order to ensure their continued existence as members of the earth. Everyone of us has the power to improve the lives of animals in our daily lives, whether it be through pet adoption, product selection that isn’t tested on animals, eating a humane diet, or community involvement in animal protection concerns. It takes all of our combined efforts to address the numerous prevalent issues that animals face in order to ensure their continued existence as members of the earth. Every one of us has the power to improve the lives of animals in our daily lives, whether it be through pet adoption, product selection that isn’t tested on animals, eating a humane diet, or community involvement in animal’s protection concerns. It takes all our combined efforts to address the numerous prevalent issues that animals face in order to make things better. Man should care about the health, well-being and safety of animals and, therefore, should work hard to ensure animals are secure through proper management and shelter.

My ray of sunlight on those tragic, gloomy days A shelter from any storm set to rain on my parade There are many ties which bind us together Perhaps it is our essence, could it possibly be the weather Your warm radiance over my wintry heart Informs me of the fact that we will never truly be apart Even as I flourish into a man I still hope that you’ll be there to grasp my hand And guide me to the very end

Because it is with you that my life began You are closer to me than a good friend More trustworthy than that of a brother Indeed, I am forever indebted To a gentle woman I call my mother


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