luxury locations issue 21

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Five Things That Make Me Smile By Kahla David

glance at it? You may see the name of a person, a picture of the person, or even the book title alone! Have you ever wondered “What’s this person’s backstory?” Or “This looks fascinating.” That’s the wonder of books for you! They look interesting and they really are interesting! Even though I haven’t had much time to read comics and such due to school, we still read textbooks, which are full of helpful information. Even if it isn’t a comic, it still involves reading, which I like. As it helps me educate myself more. Music makes me smile. I truly love music! Everyone does, and I can’t even blame them! I feel good when listening to music. The same goes for everyone else! Whenever I need a stress reliever? Music! Finished my homework? Music! Celebrating the holidays with family or friends? Music! Music brings people together, not only that, but also helps one to express themselves. The same way art does! Everyone has their own type of music style and that’s completely okay! I prefer music in the Pop and Rap genre! And last but not least, my parents. My parents make me smile. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t even be here today! I love my parents and wish nothing but the best for them. They try their best to make sure I’m okay, which I appreciate more than anything. Even if things are tough, my parents are always around whenever I need them. Whether it’s a call, message or even a short conversation, they’re always there to listen. Whenever I get older, I plan to help them the same way they have helped me, as I wish nothing more but to make them proud of me. “A smile is a facelift that’s in everyone’s price range!” - Tom Wilson

There are a lot of things that can make people smile. Whether it’s a yummy frozen treat or even watching the sun set during the evening. Everyone has something that can make them smile every now and then. From the smallest of things, to the largest of things. Drawing makes me smile. When I have the time, I usually take the time to draw. Mainly random characters that come to mind. I have always loved drawing ever since 2nd Grade, and I still do. Drawing helps put my mind at ease, and helps me express myself better. Being able to use all sorts of colors to express oneself is very thrilling, but can also be messy. But that’s all a part of making art! It won’t always come out looking the best, but at least you had fun while making it! That’s what matters in the end. Helping others makes me smile. Whenever I’m at school, there are usually people who are either in need of assistance with classwork or with basic necessities such as food, and I try to help as best as I can. Whether it’s lending a dollar or what not, it feels good knowing that I helped a classmate in need. Even if I don’t receive or get help in return, it still feels nice knowing that I helped another person in need and probably made a friend. Reading makes me smile. I mainly enjoy comics and manga. The art style, the plot, the dialogue and the characters interest me. Ever pick up a book, and take a


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